医療法人社団康悦会 AIプラスクリニックたまプラーザ(神奈川県横浜市青葉区、理事長:佐藤靖郎、以下 AIプラスたまプラーザ)は、患者さんの待ち時間を短縮し、迅速な診断と治療を提供することを目指し、2024年7月からAI技術と在宅医療を融合させた新たな医療体制を発表しました。9月からは、新体制に遠隔操作ロボットを使用した複数の医師によるカンファランスをおこない、さらに充実した体制を推進していきます。
医療法人社団康悦会(平成7年8月10日 法人成立 神奈川県横浜市青葉区黒須田33番地の5 タウンコートあざみ野1階)の分院として、令和6年5月15日登記
住所 〒225-0002横浜市青葉区美しが丘1丁目5番地5 Retetamaplaza1階
TEL 045-909-0117 FAX 045-909-7707
院長(管理者) 小山隆史、副院長 庄田慎一ほか非常勤医師1名
看護師 5名(非常勤含) 臨床検査技師1名(非常勤)
医療事務 5名(非常勤含) コンシェルジュ2名(非常勤)
企画担当 2名(非常勤含)
診療日・時間 月-土曜日(9時‐12時、13時-17時)
休診日 日曜・祭日・年末年始・夏季休暇
【画像:】 【画像:】
フジ堤礼実アナ、サンタコス姿にフォロワーがメロメロ 「これは反則」「ただただかわいい」
JALシステム復旧、販売も再開 サイバー攻撃、大量データ送付か
【ソフトバンク】上沢直之が入団会見 三笠GMも同席 レッドソックス傘下3AからFAで獲得
グラビア界「1000年に1人の逸材」AVデビューでトレンド入り 初写真集も圧巻ボディー披露
トイレットペーパーで便座を拭いてはいけない理由 TOTOに聞いた
膳場貴子が22日「サンモニ」欠席 TBS駒田健吾アナが事情説明
「わっぜか音がしっせえよ あたいは今朝ん台風か思っせえよ」 アルティメット鹿児島弁アニキが『Twitter』で話題に
グラビア界「1000年に1人の逸材」AVデビューでトレンド入り 初写真集も圧巻ボディー披露
A PHP Error was encountered
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Message: Undefined offset: 0
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Line Number: 41
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Line: 41
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Line: 45
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Line: 32
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Line: 292
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 29
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Line: 29
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Line: 45
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Line: 32
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Line: 292
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Line Number: 41
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Line: 41
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Line: 123
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Line: 114
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Line: 217
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Line: 386
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Line: 386
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Line: 416
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Line: 114
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Line: 217
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Line: 386
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Line: 217
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Line: 238
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Line: 116
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 24
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 24
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
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Line: 41
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Line: 123
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Line: 114
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
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Line: 386
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Line: 43
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Line: 123
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Line: 114
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Line: 217
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Line: 386
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Line: 416
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Line: 248
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Line: 184
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Line: 186
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
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Line: 88
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Line: 123
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
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Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
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Line: 123
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Line: 114
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Line: 217
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Line: 238
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 29
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 29
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
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Line: 41
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Line: 123
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Line: 114
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Line: 217
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Line: 386
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Line: 43
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
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Line: 386
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Line: 416
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
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Line: 186
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
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Line: 88
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
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Line: 217
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Line: 386
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Line: 116
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Line: 71
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Line: 123
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Line: 114
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Line: 217
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined offset: 2
Filename: smarty/
Line Number: 41
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
Function: instanceBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 24
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 24
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
Function: instanceBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 29
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 29
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
Function: instanceBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
フジ堤礼実アナ、サンタコス姿にフォロワーがメロメロ 「これは反則」「ただただかわいい」
【ソフトバンク】上沢直之が入団会見 三笠GMも同席 レッドソックス傘下3AからFAで獲得
JALシステム復旧、販売も再開 サイバー攻撃、大量データ送付か