テスト自動化に関する情報サイト『ADOC Teslab』をリニューアル公開
- 2024年04月19日 11:00:00
- マネー
- Dream News
- コメント
ICTエンジニアリングサービスとテスト自動化ソリューションを展開する株式会社アドックインターナショナル(本社:東京都立川市、代表取締役:小林 常治/以下ADOC)は、「Eggplant_ミッションは品質保証の革新。」を新しいメインメッセージとしたテスト自動化に関する製品・技術情報サイト 『ADOC Teslab(テスラボ)』のリニューアルを実施し、4月19日より公開します。
■テスト自動化情報サイト『ADOC Teslab』のURL:
(1) サイト構造の改善とコンテンツ拡充
株式会社アドックインターナショナルは、主として5G領域を中心に大手携帯キャリアの通信インフラ構築・技術支援などのICTエンジニアリング事業を国内外に展開しています。また、クラウド統合環境やビッグデータ、RPA関連のソリューション事業を手掛けています。近年はアジャイル、DevOps開発環境におけるソフトウェア品質保証分野にも注力。海外企業との積極的な提携により、AIテスト自動化ツール「Eggplant」のKeysight社、セキュリティ・ソリューションのSynopsys社の国内代理店として、自動化の設計から実行・運用まで一貫した高度なテスティングサービスを提供しています。 ■ホームページURL:
(株)アドックインターナショナル 担当:ソリューションマーケティンググループ/田中
Mail: /Tel: 042-528-8733(平日9:00-17:00)
丹下健三の都市設計から未来を考える 愛媛・今治でシンポジウム
NHK紅白、星野源さん「地獄でなぜ悪い」から変更 「反響受け判断」
ドジャース34歳万能野手の日系スーパー美人妻、クリスマス到来祝福 弁護士資格も有する超才女
【韓流】「イカゲーム2」いよいよ今日26日公開 オープニングイベントだけで世界21億超再生
温泉地の魅力を発信 「第16回 みんなで選ぶ 温泉大賞(R)」投票受付を開始 ~日本の東西の温泉地と宿泊施設を「温泉番付」としてランキング~【BIGLOBE主催】
グラビア界「1000年に1人の逸材」AVデビューでトレンド入り 初写真集も圧巻ボディー披露
トイレットペーパーで便座を拭いてはいけない理由 TOTOに聞いた
膳場貴子が22日「サンモニ」欠席 TBS駒田健吾アナが事情説明
「わっぜか音がしっせえよ あたいは今朝ん台風か思っせえよ」 アルティメット鹿児島弁アニキが『Twitter』で話題に
グラビア界「1000年に1人の逸材」AVデビューでトレンド入り 初写真集も圧巻ボディー披露
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Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined offset: 0
Filename: smarty/
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File: /www/wwwroot/
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Line: 45
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Line: 32
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Line: 292
Function: require_onceA PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 24
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 24
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Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
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Line: 384
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Line: 41
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Line: 114
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Line: 43
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Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCodeFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: renderFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
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Line: 416
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Line: 248
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Line: 184
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Line: 186
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Line: 156
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Line: 88
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Line: 123
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Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCodeFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: renderFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: renderFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
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Line: 71
Function: endChildFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCodeFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: renderFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: renderFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _executeFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetchFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: viewFile: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 29
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 29
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
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Line: 184
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Line: 186
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
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Line: 88
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Line: 123
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
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Line: 114
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined offset: 1
Filename: smarty/
Line Number: 41
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
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File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 24
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 24
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
Function: instanceBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 29
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 29
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
Function: instanceBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined offset: 2
Filename: smarty/
Line Number: 41
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
Function: instanceBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 24
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 24
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
Function: instanceBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php
Line Number: 29
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 29
Function: _error_handler
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 384
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 41
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 43
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 416
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 248
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 184
Function: callBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 186
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 156
Function: process
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 88
Function: instanceBlock
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 386
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _subTemplateRender
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 71
Function: endChild
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 123
Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 114
Function: getRenderedTemplateCode
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 217
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 238
Function: render
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 116
Function: _execute
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 45
Function: fetch
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 32
Function: view
File: /www/wwwroot/
Line: 292
Function: require_once
丹下健三の都市設計から未来を考える 愛媛・今治でシンポジウム
NHK紅白、星野源さん「地獄でなぜ悪い」から変更 「反響受け判断」
ドジャース34歳万能野手の日系スーパー美人妻、クリスマス到来祝福 弁護士資格も有する超才女
【韓流】「イカゲーム2」いよいよ今日26日公開 オープニングイベントだけで世界21億超再生
温泉地の魅力を発信 「第16回 みんなで選ぶ 温泉大賞(R)」投票受付を開始 ~日本の東西の温泉地と宿泊施設を「温泉番付」としてランキング~【BIGLOBE主催】