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目の疲れをとる方法とは? 眼精疲労を防いでデスクワークを快適に!





  • 目の疲れ、痛み
  • 目の乾燥(ドライアイ)
  • 視力の低下
  • 肩こり・首こり
  • 頭痛
  • 倦怠感
  • 吐き気
  • めまい
  • 食欲減退
  • 睡眠の質の低下
  • イライラやうつ症状




























厚生労働省は、VDT(Visual Display Terminals)作業に従事する労働者の心身の負担を軽減させることを目的とした「情報機器作業における労働衛生管理のためのガイドライン」を公表しています。この記事では、ガイドラインの中からデスク周りの作業環境に関するポイントを抜粋して紹介します。


  • 安定していて、簡単に移動できる
  • 座面の高さを調整できる(特に複数の作業者が交替で利用する場合)
  • 傾きを調整できる


  • 必要なものが配置できる広さがある
  • 作業中に脚が窮屈でない空間がある
  • 体型に合った高さである、又は高さの調整ができる


  • ディスプレイは照度500ルクス以下で、輝度やコントラストが調整できる
  • キーボードとディスプレイは分離して位置を調整できる
  • ノートパソコンを長時間使用する場合については、作業の内容に応じて外付けディスプレイを使用する
  • 操作しやすいマウスを使う


  • 椅子に深く腰かけ背もたれに背を十分にあて、足裏全体が床に接した姿勢が基本
  • ディスプレイとおおむね40cm以上の視距離を確保する
  • 情報機器作業が過度に長時間にならないようにする




参考:テレワークのデスク環境そのままで大丈夫? ~在宅勤務手当だけでは不十分なテレワーク支援の必要性~



































  • 清明…鼻の根元と目頭内側を結ぶライン。ちょうどその中央にある窪み
  • 天応…眉頭から2〜3センチ下がったところにある骨のくぼんでいる場所
  • 太陽…目尻から3センチほど外側。骨が内側にカーブし、小さくくぼんでいる
  • 四白…正面を見たときの黒目の位置から、指1本分下に位置する場所にある
  • 親指の腹をツボの上においてやさしく押します。
  • 前かがみになって、おさえたツボに頭の重さを乗せていきます。※ぐりぐりと力を入れて強く押しすぎるのはNG。
  • 5秒キープして元の姿勢に戻します。これを4つのツボそれぞれ行います。
  • パソコン作業の合間や入浴中などのスキマ時間にぜひ試してみてください。







    【テレワークの運動不足解消動画】在宅のストレスに負けない!メンタルケア&太らない食事習慣も 腹式呼吸やアロマでリラックス!ストレスを解消する6つの最強生活習慣とは? 自律神経を整える食べ物とは?食事から“セロトニン”を増やす方法



    中川和宏『はたらく人の目の教科書』2017 クロスメディア・パブリッシング



      1. A PHP Error was encountered

        Severity: Notice

        Message: Undefined offset: 0

        Filename: smarty/

        Line Number: 41


        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 41
        Function: _error_handler

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 217
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 386
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 43
        Function: _subTemplateRender

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 217
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 386
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 416
        Function: _subTemplateRender

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 248
        Function: callBlock

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 184
        Function: callBlock

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 186
        Function: process

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 156
        Function: process

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 88
        Function: instanceBlock

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 217
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 386
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 116
        Function: _subTemplateRender

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 71
        Function: endChild

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 217
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 238
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 116
        Function: _execute

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 45
        Function: fetch

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 32
        Function: view

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 292
        Function: require_once

        A PHP Error was encountered

        Severity: Notice

        Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

        Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php

        Line Number: 24


        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 24
        Function: _error_handler

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 384
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 41
        Function: _subTemplateRender

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 217
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 386
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 43
        Function: _subTemplateRender

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 217
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 386
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 416
        Function: _subTemplateRender

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 248
        Function: callBlock

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 184
        Function: callBlock

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 186
        Function: process

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 156
        Function: process

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 88
        Function: instanceBlock

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 217
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 386
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 116
        Function: _subTemplateRender

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 71
        Function: endChild

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 123
        Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 114
        Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 217
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 238
        Function: render

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 116
        Function: _execute

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 45
        Function: fetch

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 32
        Function: view

        File: /www/wwwroot/
        Line: 292
        Function: require_once

      " class="text-decoration-none w-100" target="_blank">

      A PHP Error was encountered

      Severity: Notice

      Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

      Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php

      Line Number: 29


      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 29
      Function: _error_handler

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 384
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 41
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 43
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 416
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 248
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 184
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 186
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 156
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 88
      Function: instanceBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 71
      Function: endChild

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 238
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _execute

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 45
      Function: fetch

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 32
      Function: view

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 292
      Function: require_once

    • A PHP Error was encountered

      Severity: Notice

      Message: Undefined offset: 1

      Filename: smarty/

      Line Number: 41


      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 41
      Function: _error_handler

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 43
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 416
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 248
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 184
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 186
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 156
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 88
      Function: instanceBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 71
      Function: endChild

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 238
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _execute

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 45
      Function: fetch

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 32
      Function: view

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 292
      Function: require_once

      A PHP Error was encountered

      Severity: Notice

      Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

      Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php

      Line Number: 24


      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 24
      Function: _error_handler

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 384
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 41
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 43
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 416
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 248
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 184
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 186
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 156
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 88
      Function: instanceBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 71
      Function: endChild

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 238
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _execute

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 45
      Function: fetch

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 32
      Function: view

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 292
      Function: require_once

    • " class="text-decoration-none w-100" target="_blank">

      A PHP Error was encountered

      Severity: Notice

      Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

      Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php

      Line Number: 29


      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 29
      Function: _error_handler

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 384
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 41
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 43
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 416
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 248
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 184
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 186
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 156
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 88
      Function: instanceBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 71
      Function: endChild

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 238
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _execute

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 45
      Function: fetch

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 32
      Function: view

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 292
      Function: require_once

    • A PHP Error was encountered

      Severity: Notice

      Message: Undefined offset: 2

      Filename: smarty/

      Line Number: 41


      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 41
      Function: _error_handler

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 43
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 416
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 248
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 184
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 186
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 156
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 88
      Function: instanceBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 71
      Function: endChild

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 238
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _execute

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 45
      Function: fetch

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 32
      Function: view

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 292
      Function: require_once

      A PHP Error was encountered

      Severity: Notice

      Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

      Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php

      Line Number: 24


      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 24
      Function: _error_handler

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 384
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 41
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 43
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 416
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 248
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 184
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 186
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 156
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 88
      Function: instanceBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 71
      Function: endChild

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 238
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _execute

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 45
      Function: fetch

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 32
      Function: view

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 292
      Function: require_once

    • " class="text-decoration-none w-100" target="_blank">

      A PHP Error was encountered

      Severity: Notice

      Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

      Filename: smarty/49292b3df7e5bd60f7381ff16c5ca4532cf9476f_0.file.card.tpl.php

      Line Number: 29


      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 29
      Function: _error_handler

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d136f97_11902452

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 384
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 41
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3d14aa11_83151422

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 43
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b47775ef5_14228348

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 416
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 248
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 184
      Function: callBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 186
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 156
      Function: process

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 88
      Function: instanceBlock

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_66f26b3cb92fa0_94546305

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 386
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _subTemplateRender

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 71
      Function: endChild

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 123
      Function: content_675a781dcbf339_49719938

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 114
      Function: getRenderedTemplateCode

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 217
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 238
      Function: render

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 116
      Function: _execute

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 45
      Function: fetch

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 32
      Function: view

      File: /www/wwwroot/
      Line: 292
      Function: require_once

      1. 立体駐車場から車落下 下敷きの男性作業員1人死亡 神戸

      2. 「単なる不貞行為にすり替え」 岸和田市長との性的関係巡り女性憤り

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      7. 巨人女子入団の花巻東・佐々木秋羽「55」の覚悟背負い、大学生との「二刀流」で羽ばたく

      8. 赤坂で発見!宅配ボックスのワンダーランドへGO!

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