
米国調査会社エヌテックリサーチ(n-tech Research)の調査レポート「建材一体型太陽電池(BIPV)の技術と市場 2017-2024年」は、第三世代に入りつつある建材一体型太陽電池 (BIPV)市場の新しい動向について考察し、特にテスラによる効率性を改善した新製品について概説し、高度に改善された市場について記載している。10年間の出荷数と収益をビルタイプ毎や技術毎、地域毎に予測し、BIPV事業の戦略やガラス企業、特殊化学企業、ソーラーパネル企業などの活動についても記載している。

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is being re-booted. Originally a strategy to hide ugly solar panels, then a way to create spectacular architectural effects, BIPV is now being repositioned as a multi-functional building product with a broad addressable market. This “third-generation” BIPV can - as in the Tesla offering - provide a sustainable energy source combined with an attractive high-end building product at a cost that is less than buying the energy source and building product separately.

n-tech Research has been following the evolution of the BIPV business for almost a decade and predicted the rise of this new generation of BIPV. In n-tech’s latest report on BIPV we examine the current prospects for BIPV and the trials it must still face on the way to commercialization. This report:

*Provides ten-year forecasts of BIPV shipments and revenues with breakouts by product type (tiles, windows, etc.), type of building (commercial, residential, etc.) and technology (c-Si, OPV, etc.) and key geographies
*Identifies winning strategies in the BIPV business including both product/marketing and supply chain evolution. The discussion includes the BIPV-related activities of glass, specialty chemical and solar panel firms
*Examines the technology that is likely to power next-generation BIPV, especially whether OPV, DSC and CIGS will ever keep their promise to succeed as part of a BIPV boom.
*Considers the opportunities for BIPV businesses to make money through integration of their products with smart lighting and smart windows as well through the strategic use of battery storage.
*Addresses the BIPV market on an international basis with consideration for the special subsidies and economic factors that are promoting BIPV.


 *建材一体型太陽電池 (BIPV)の現状と今後の市場
 *建材一体型太陽電池 (BIPV)製品と技術の進化
 *商業ビルと産業用ビルの建材一体型太陽電池 (BIPV)市場
 *住宅用の建材一体型太陽電池 (BIPV)市場

エヌテックリサーチ(n-tech Research/ナノマーケッツ)は、先端材料や新規エネルギー、電子機器市場の調査と産業分析を得意とする米国の調査会社です。有機ELディスプレイや照明、材料、薄膜エレクトロニクス、導電性インク、透明導電体、再生可能エネルギー、プリンテッドエレクトロニクスなど、幅広い市場に関する市場調査レポートを出版しています。

■ 調査レポート ■

建材一体型太陽電池(BIPV)の技術と市場 2017-2024年
BIPV Technologies and Markets 2017-2024

◆米国市場調査会社 エヌテックリサーチ(n-tech Research)について



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情報提供元: Dream News