- 週間ランキング
I don’t understand why New Zealand’s white non-Muslim women need to wear Islamic hijab, the symbol of female oppression, as tribute to the victims of mosque attacks. Did New Zealand’s white non-Muslim men wear Islamic skullcap for solidarity? Or is it only women’s responsibility?—taslima nasreen (@taslimanasreen) 2019年3月22日
Brave women in Muslim community around the world have been fighting against misogynistic Islamic oppression and throwing off their hijab and burqa. But New Zealand’s Prime Minister by wearing hijab, not only deny those brave women’s struggle for freedom, she insults them too.—taslima nasreen (@taslimanasreen) 2019年3月22日
New Zealand women showing solidarity with Muslim victims by covering heads. What about uncovered legs? Muslims hate those. There are other ways to sympathise with victims and protest terrorist acts. Wearing symbol of oppression not a good idea. pic.twitter.com/TQOQ1EIQrj—taslima nasreen (@taslimanasreen) 2019年3月24日
The hijab is not just a garment. It’s not just a fashion accessory that you can put on like you’re playing dress up. It is imbued with deep symbolism and represents modesty culture, which requires women to cover up and marks those who don’t. https://t.co/DkNKRqYg6w—Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) 2019年3月24日
I am sorry #NewZealand, but this solidarity has skewed too much towards misogyny.You are essentializing #Hijab.Please refrain from playing into the hand of Islamist groups.@jacindaardernpic.twitter.com/03gvfkE0GT—Nervana Mahmoud (@Nervana_1) 2019年3月23日
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