- 週間ランキング
1. 猫に懸命に酸素を与える消防士
2. ご主人は心から感謝
3. 猫は安心そうな顔
4. 子猫の前に横たわる母猫に酸素を与える消防士
5. 足に火傷を負ったシカを救助
6. 足は真っ黒でもなんとか救助
7. 酸素を与えられる赤ちゃんハムスター
"Oreo", "Madonna"and the baby hamsters being treated with oxygen. LFD3 crews have animal rescue and aid equipment. pic.twitter.com/CFruyYH5PS
—Lacey Fire (@LaceyFireDist3) September 26, 2014
8. 猫を救った消防士も嬉しそう
Fire fighter comforts a cat following it's rescue from a fire in Central Falls. pic.twitter.com/Kp21pA3wRV
—R.I.B.N.S (@RIBNS) February 20, 2015
9. 燃え盛る家からの救出
4th picture of a Modesto fire fighter saving a cat from a burning home. pic.twitter.com/SpW4CmPWFo
—Doug Johnson (@DougJohnsonFX40) May 24, 2014
10. 熱さに息絶えかけていた猫と、救助した消防士
Snr fire fighter Kieran Mussen found the cat inside burning home. Now nursing it. RSPCA has been called @9NewsPerthpic.twitter.com/CzO6G53vXM
—Rachel Cary (@CaryRachel) April 8, 2014
11. オーストラリアで起きた森林火災にて
Heartwarming pic of a firefighter who gives water to a burned and dehydrated koala, after wildfires in Australia. '09 pic.twitter.com/Wb9gKUVY5h
—Powerful Pictures (@Powerful_Pics) July 8, 2013