This cute kitten is going to take over the world.
2. へい、お待ち!
My cousin has the cutest puppy
3. 手のひらに収まっちゃうのがたまらない
The cutest puppy came in my work last night. She was hiding in her owner's jacket when somebody asked, "Is that real?!"
4. 今日、雨だね。お散歩行けないね。
My friend's new puppy. I'm dying of cute overload
5. あら新鮮な果物・・・ってあれ!?
Little floof
6. おてて握りたい!
Cutest. Kitty. Ever.
7. 忍び寄る脅威・・・?(笑)
I am the floor. I am the floor
8. こんなつぶらな瞳で見つめられたら
Cutest kitten evah!
9. ご主人おはよ〜
Kitten in a basket.
10. モフらせて!
Silly lil baby foxes
11. ぼくも空飛べるかなあ
This is the cutest thing i have seen in like forever
12. 仲良く夢のなか
Welcome to this morning's dose of antidepressants.
被害女性の代理人弁護士がコメント 中居正広氏とのトラブル
Daily News Online
週刊文春編集長「橋下徹さんの指摘で訂正」 中居正広さん巡る記事